Friday, September 10, 2010

The Drawings

So.. Yeah.. I got the drawing from my siblings today and.. well.. They are disturbing me quite a bit.. I.. I am not quite sure what to make of them.. But.. They look like the man in my dreams..


  1. The trees see us our parents warned.

  2. I like the pic with the hat..reminds me a story I heard of. OH well

  3. It bothers me that your siblings drew these for you. That means He's gotten to them, too.
    Anyways, I agree with Maddie. Keep out of the woods. I'd avoid fog, too. Especially at night.

  4. he has sO much more than real PeoplE he is like the tRees we love him he loves us so wArm or That is what he tells me On the walls without him we aRe like you
